Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

Michigan + Japan

R at Lake Michigan We are on vacation in Michigan right now, which means posts will be a little slow around here for a couple of days. However, I do have something from Japan to share with you!

A few years ago, I joined the team over at Japan Eats. It was great fun and they just recently put up a video of one of the Japan Booze Blind episodes that I was in. This one was a blind tasting of awamori, a spirit from Okinawa. It's got quite a kick to it, so tasting 3 of them was tough work, but someone had to do it! Here is the link to the most recent post, plus a link to the very first one where we did a blind tasting of Japanese third type beer.


Japanese Third Type Beer


Cocktail Friday: Summer Sipper

Cocktail Friday: Summer Sipper

French Tartine + Bastille Day

French Tartine + Bastille Day