Life is not always pretty...
Just in case anyone thought my life was just like my social media posts suggest, I wanted to point out that it is definitely not. My best friends know this. They see me without my makeup, wearing clothes that are a little wrinkled and hair that has been barely salvaged by dry shampoo. Because sometimes, to do the things we want to do in a day, some priorities fall to the bottom of the list. I love that I can work from home and take care of my kids without paying the insane price of childcare. But, real talk, it takes its toll on me every once in a while.
This week, the following SUPER FUN things have happened:
- We got flu shots taken care of (whew!) but that required 2 nurses to hold down my shrieking child who didn't even notice they gave him the shot in the midst of his meltdown.
- I fell down my basement stairs, landing on my behind and going down not 2, not 3, but 6 stairs. I desperately tried to stop the fall but only injured myself further by grabbing the railing and straining my wrist and getting a rug burn on the opposite elbow. It was quite a sight, I'm sure.
- I got pulled over. I wasn't doing anything "wrong" but here's the thing: you have to renew your plates instead of forgetting all about them. Trust me.
- I went to one DMV location and was sent away because they don't do vehicle services. Um, what? So I went to another DMV where I was told that I couldn't renew my plates until I got an emissions test done. So I left the DMV and went to get my emissions test taken care of. Then I went back to the DMV. All of this took 2 hours. Two hours with a 1 1/2 year old is an eternity measured in goldfish crackers.
- I left the house with my yoga pants on inside out.
- The tires on the stroller went flat mid-walk.
- I have consumed enough coffee to fuel a small army of sleep deprived parents instead of just turning off Netflix at night and getting the sleep I need. (Have you seen Bloodline? OMG.)
My point is this: no matter what you see on social media, you never know what is going on behind the scenes. And sometimes that is OK. No one has a picture perfect life 100% of the time, but seeing the good moments instead of the bad certainly helps me keep my spirits up. And it helps me to remember that beauty can be found in the small things, like making brownies with my kids, walking as the sun sets behind the Colorado Rockies, and a quiet moment to sip a hot cup of coffee at the beginning of the day.